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How Partnering with Best Restaurants Can Boost Your Restaurant’s Success


Partnering with Best Restaurants isn’t just a smart business move—it’s a recipe for success. And with no lock-in contracts, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Images: iStock by Getty Images.
Words by BEST Team.

Let’s face it—every restaurant dreams of packed tables, a busy and bustling atmosphere, and diners raving about the food and service. But in a sea of eateries all vying for attention, how do you stand out and boost your restaurant’s success? Partnering with Best Restaurants just might be the secret ingredient you’re missing. Here's why it’s not only smart, but a downright delicious move for your business!

1. Increase Your Revenue with Gift Cards That Work Overtime
Imagine this: customers strolling into your restaurant with a Best Restaurants gift card in hand, ready to spend. But here’s the kicker—they don’t just stick to the value on the card. In fact, studies show that when diners use a Best Restaurants gift card, they’ll spend two to three times more than they normally would.

People love to treat themselves when they’re not directly footing the entire bill. It’s like the gift card is whispering in their ear, "Go ahead, get that dessert or splurge on the wine!" and suddenly, that simple $50 voucher turns into a $150 bill.

2. Get PR and Marketing Support Without Lifting a Finger
Social media. It’s a full-time job, isn’t it? Posting, engaging, running ads, creating content—the list goes on. But when you partner with Best Restaurants, you get access to our seasoned PR and marketing experts, ready to shout your restaurant’s name from the rooftops (or at least from their social media platforms).

Our editorial and social media teams will feature your restaurant in articles, Instagram posts, Facebook updates, TikTok vids, and more. They’ll sing the praises of your signature dishes, highlight your special events, and maybe even throw in a cheeky behind-the-scenes look at your chef’s kitchen magic.

Best Restaurants has a loyal, ever-growing audience, and we’ll help you tap into that goldmine.

3. Events and Functions? We’ve Got You Covered
Picture this: a cosy corner of your restaurant filled with lively chatter, glasses clinking, and people celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, and corporate wins. Partnering with Best Restaurants can seriously ramp up your events and functions bookings by making sure your space is seen by those who are planning something special.

Our audience includes event planners and corporates looking for event venues to wine and dine their clients, and get their teams together. With Best Restaurants backing your events offerings, you’re bound to see an uptick in bookings.

4. Tap Into a Hungry Audience
When you join forces with Best Restaurants, you’re gaining access to an ever-growing, ever-hungry audience. Our network spans across corporate event and incentive planners, and thousands of people eagerly clutching their Best Restaurants gift cards, looking for a great restaurant to cash them in at for a memorable dining experience.

We’ll get your restaurant in front of foodies from all tastes and palettes, whether it’s a family looking for a Sunday lunch spot or a corporate exec planning a team dinner. More eyes on your restaurant means more bums in seats—it’s as simple as that.

5. Increased Exposure on Our Curated Restaurant Directory
One of the biggest perks of partnering with Best Restaurants is that your spot will be listed and amplified on our curated restaurant directory, making it easier for food lovers to find you. This isn’t just any old list—it’s a handpicked collection of New Zealand’s best dining experiences. So when people search for the perfect spot to dine, your restaurant will be there, ready to shine.

6. No Lock-In Contracts, No Headaches
Unlike some partnerships that feel like a life sentence, we keep things flexible with no lock-in contracts. If for some reason you feel like it’s not working out (though we’re confident you won’t), you can cancel your partnership with just 30 days’ notice. No hard feelings, no drama—just easy, breezy, business-building fun.

7. Proven Success Since 1996 Means We Know What We’re Doing
Best Restaurants has been around since 1996, so it’s safe to say we’ve learned a thing or two about making restaurants thrive. We’ve partnered with restaurants across the country, helping them boost their visibility, increase their bookings, and drive revenue.

Our restaurant partners love working with us because we make things simple, effective, and—most importantly—successful. We've perfected our formula over the years, we know it works, and we’d love to show you how.

So, if you're ready to reap the endless benefits of partnering with Best Restaurants, email us today at [email protected], or check out List your restaurant for more info.

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